About Doctor

Dr. Prasad K. Wagle
M.S FIAGES(Surgery), Clinical Fellow UKE (Hamburg,Germany)
Clinical Fellow In Liver Transplantation (Seoul,Korea)
- Graduated from TN Medical College, Mumbai in 1988
- Completed Masters degree in Surgery(M.S) from TN Medical College & Nair Hospital, Mumbai in 1993. Registrar in G.I Services till 1994
- Tutor in Anatomy in TN Medical College in 1995
- Registrar in Surgical Oncology in Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai from 1995-96
- Lecturer in TN Medical College from 1996-2000
- Clinical Fellow in Pancreatic & Liver Units, UKE, Hamburg, Germany 1998
- In private practice from 2000 onwards
- Consultant G.I & HPB Surgeon at Lilavati Hospital, Wockhardt Hospital, Bhatia Hospital, BSES Hospital&Hiranandani Hospital.
- Clinical Fellowship in Living Donor Liver Transplantation from Asan Medical College, Seoul, Korea in 2006
- Visiting Fellow Liver Unit QE Hospital, Birmingham, UK, 2006
Operative Experience:
Large experience in the management of major Hepatiobiliary and Pancreatic disorders both benign & malignant (more than 1000 over a span of 27 years). Experience of more than 700 Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic surgeries including Liver resection for cancers and benign disorders, Hepatico-jejunostomies for benign and malignant bile duct strictures including those for post cholecystectomy bile duct injuries. Large number of pancreatic surgeries including Whipple’s Pancreaticoduodenectomies for pancreatic & periampullary cancers, surgeries for chronic pancreatitis including the standard pancreato-jejunostomy to the more complex Frey’s &Beger’s head coring procedures & pancreatic debridement for infected pancreatic necroses.